Css Box Model Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet for the basics of CSS layout properties. A cheat sheet for the basics of CSS layout properties. Skip to groupings list; Topics; Courses; Activities. This will be completely centered within the box. See the flexbox cheat sheet for more details. Used to change layout math for width & padding.

This is a cheat sheet with all of the common sources of CSS (Cascading Stylesheets).

3D / 2D Transform 25 Generated Content 26 Line Box 28 Hyperlink 31 Positioning 31 Ruby 32 Paged Media 32 WebsiteSetup.org - Beginner’s CSS Cheat Sheet 2. CSS introduced to replace the line-by-line styling attributes. CSS executes at client-side on the browser; It is not a Programming language. Here we have provided the most common CSS cheat snippets which cover CSS gradient, background, button, font-family, border, radius, box and text-shadow generators, color picker and lots more. A cheat sheet for the basics of CSS layout properties. This will be completely centered within the box. See the flexbox cheat sheet for more details.

Adding CSS

Css Style Cheat Sheet Pdf

  • Inline CSS: directly in the html element (not recommended)
  • Internal CSS: using <style type='text/css'></style> tags within a single document
  • External CSS: linking an external .css file (recommended way):


selector{ property: value; } Audacity free download mac.


  • Color Names: red, blue, yellow…
  • HTML5 Color Names: coral…
  • Hexadecimal: #00ff00…
  • RGB: rgb(0, 0, 255)…
Css Box Model Cheat Sheet

Web Safe Fonts

Class and Id

Class is not unique while Id should always be unique.

Box Model

Margin is the space outside of the border. Border is between margin and padding. Padding is the space inside of the border. Content is surrounded by padding.

Text Formatting

List Styling:



Alignment and Floating

Aligning 3 blocks:


  • Static: the default position
  • Relative: the element is positioned relative to its normal position
  • Absolute: allows us to target whatever position we want inside of our relative element
  • Fixed: nav bar
  • Initial: set tp default value
  • Inherit: inherit the parent element

Set Images as Background


Pseudo Classes


basic selectors
#itemidelement with id 'itemid'
.classelements with class '­cla­ss'
div.class<div> with class '­cla­ss'
div#itemid<div> with id 'itemid'
div span<span> within <div>
div, span<span> and <div>
div + span<span> after <div>
div > span<span> with parent <div>
*all elements
a[attr]<a> with attribute 'attr'
a[attr=x]<a> when 'attr' is 'x'
pseudo class selectors
a:active<a> when pressed
a:focus<a> when focussed
a:hover<a> when hovered
:first-childfirst child element
tr:nth-child(3n+1)<tr> 1, 4, 7..
tr:nth-child(odd)<tr> 1, 3, 5..
pseudo element selectors
::afterinsert content after element
::beforeinsert content before element
::first-letterfirst letter of element
::first-linefirst line of element
::selectionselected part of element
form pseudo class selectors
input:checkedchecked input
input:disableddisabled input
input:enabledenabled input
input:invalidinvalid input
input:requiredrequired input
input:validvalid input


pxa pixel
empercentage of parent font size
rempercentage of <html> font size
%percentage of width


color text color, e.g. #9c6
font-family e.g. Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
font-size px, rem, em or %
small, smaller, large, larger
font-styleitalic | normal
font-weight bold | normal
100, 200, .., 900
styling & spacing
letter-spacing extra letter spacing, e.g. 2px
line-height e.g. 1.4
text-align hor. alig: left | center | right
text-decoration none | underline
text-transform uppercase | lowercase | capitalize
white-space nowrap | pre
word-spacing extra word spacing, e.g. 2px
list-style-type none | disc | square | decimal | ..
list-style-image url(..)
list-style-position inside | outside

colors & backgrounds

#36f97chex color: R=36, G=f9, B=7c
#5c9shorthand for #55cc99
#36F97C8Dhex color with transparency 8D
rgb(54,249,124)RGB notation
rgba(54,249,124,0.7)RGB notation, opacity 0.7
lightcoralmnemonic notation (don't use)
lightcoralmnemonic notation (don't use)
backgrounds & images
background-color e.g. #fff
background-image e.g. url(img/bg.png)
e.g. linear-gradient(#0000, #0003);
background-repeat no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y
background-size % | cover | contain
background: #fff url(img_tree.png) no-repeat right top; background-color: #fff;
background-image: url(img_tree.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right top;

box model

margins, paddings, border
border-color e.g. #ccc
border-radius e.g. 3px
border-style none | solid | dashed | dotted
border-width px, rem, em or %
border: 2px solid #900; border-width: 2px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #900;
margin: 10px
(same for padding)
margin-top: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-left: 10px;
margin: 5px 10px
(same for padding)
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-left: 10px;
margin: 5px 10px 15px 20px
(same for padding)
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-left: 20px;
dimensions (doesn't work on inline elements!)
box-sizingborder-box | content-box
(include | exclude padding and border)
heightpx, rem, em or %
max-widthpx, rem, em or %
min-widthpx, rem, em or %
widthpx, rem, em or %

Css Box Model Cheat Sheet Pdf

box-shadowe.g. 10px 10px 5px #888;
(left, top, blur, color)


transition-propertyall | css property
transition-durationnumber of seconds
transition: background 0.3s; transition-property: background;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
cursorauto | pointer | help | not-allowed
calc()e.g. width: calc((100% - 250px) / 3)


displaynone | block | inline | inline-block
opacitye.g. 0.7 (70% opaque)
visibilityhidden | visible
(same for overflow-x, overflow-y)
hidden | visible | scroll | auto
positioning (position element based on coordinates)
positionabsolute | relative | fixed
px, rem, em or %

Css Box Model Cheat Sheet Free

float / clear (float / prevent content around element)
float none | left | right
clear none | left | right | both
display: flex create flex container
flex-direction row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
flex-wrap wrap | nowrap
justify-content flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between
(positioning items along flex direction)
align-items flex-start | flex-end | center
(positioning items across flex direction)
flex-flow: row nowrap flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
display: grid create grid container
grid-template-columns e.g. 150px minmax(150px,650px) auto
grid-template-rows e.g. 50px auto
grid-template-areas e.g. grid-template-areas: 'topleft . topright'
'contentleft bottom contentright';
grid-area e.g. grid-area: contentleft;