Anyconnect Port

By default the AnyConnect client will use TCP 443. But the AnyConnect client may also use DTLS (which provides the same type of authentication and encryption as SSL but uses UDP to do it). Dtls port 444 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.0.5080-k9.pkg 1 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.0.5080-k9.pkg 2 anyconnect profiles AnyConnectclientprofile disk0:/AnyConnectclientprofile.xml anyconnect enable tunnel-group-list enable group-policy SSLClientPolicy internal group-policy SSLClientPolicy attributes.

Cisco anyconnect port forwardingPort

Cisco Anyconnect Port Forwarding

I've got my cisco Anyconnect and Clientless vpn connections working on port 444. (I have OWA traffic pat'ed in on 443 to another server.)
The anyconnect client connects fine when launched from the clientless vpn portal.
I'd like to be able to launch the Anyconnect VPN from a desktop, without having to go through the web portal hoops.
I can't get the anyconnect client to honor or recognize an alternate port eg...
Watching the connection attempt on the ASA 5510 is showing all the connection attempts going to port 443.

Cisco Anyconnect Ports

  • I have successfully forwarded some TCP and UDP ports from PC #1 over pfsense to PC#2. (Could not do otherwise as AnyConnect on PC#1 blocks access to tunnel network where PC#2 is). However, I have trouble routing an UDP Port in other direction - from PC#2 over pfsense to PC#1.
  • Apr 25, 2019 AnyConnect Locations: Hostnames: TLS: DTLS: Cipher: Port: Czech Republic: 1.2+ AES-256-GCM: 443: Germany - Frankfurt: 1.2.
  • Dtls port 444 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.0.5080-k9.pkg 1 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.0.5080-k9.pkg 2 anyconnect profiles AnyConnectclientprofile disk0:/AnyConnectclientprofile.xml anyconnect enable tunnel-group-list enable group-policy SSLClientPolicy internal group-policy SSLClientPolicy attributes.